Price guide is limited to top traded items only. Islands is no longer updated by Easy.gg
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1336 | Amethyst Block | 1,500,000 | BLOCKS | |
1337 | Amethyst Crystal | 170,000 | MINERALS | |
3 | Ancient Longbow | 22,000,000 | COMBAT | |
520 | Ancient Slime String | 220,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
163 | And Gate | 2,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
343 | Animal Well-Being Kit | 600,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1057 | Antler Hammer | 909,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1056 | Antler Shield | 990,000,000 | COMBAT | |
505 | Apple Tree Sapling | 6,000,000 | CROPS | |
27 | Aquamarine Shard | 1,000 | MINERALS | |
2 | Aquamarine Sword | 9,000,000 | COMBAT | |
194 | Basic Fertilizer | 1,100,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1920 | Bee Ottoman | 50,000,000 | DECOR | |
1122 | Bell (Christmas) | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1910 | Benched Gazebo | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1240 | Bhutan Butter Tea | 1,100,000 | FOOD | |
1881 | Birch Wood | 29,000 | LUMBER | |
1671 | Black Christmas Street Light | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1774 | Black Mining Lantern | 700,000,000 | DECOR | |
994 | Blackberry Seeds | 350,000 | CROPS | |
1374 | Blue Butterfly Jar | 9,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1085 | Blue Coral Block | 350,000 | BLOCKS | |
1649 | Blue Cup Gnome | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
541 | Blue Firefly Jar | 15,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1832 | Blue Glowing Mushroom | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1643 | Blue Gnome Bag | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1106 | Blue Nutcracker | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1097 | Blue Ornament | 17,000,000 | DECOR | |
861 | Blue Slime Block | 2,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1646 | Blue Standing Gnome | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
521 | Blue Sticky Gear | 2,900,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1317 | Blueberry Cookie | 230,000 | FOOD | |
995 | Blueberry Seeds | 350,000 | CROPS | |
294 | Bolt Factory Mold | 24,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
841 | Bone Block | 1,700,000 | BLOCKS | |
1775 | Brown Mining Lantern | 700,000,000 | DECOR | |
28 | Buffalkor Crystal | 78,000,000 | MINERALS | |
1274 | Buffalkor Crystal Block | 930,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1258 | Buffalkor Island Treasure Chest | 35,000,000 | MISC | |
161 | Buffalkor Portal | 280,000,000 | MISC | |
523 | Buffalkor Portal Shard | 190,000,000 | MISC | |
1902 | Butterfly Couch | 200,000,000 | DECOR | |
1378 | Butterfly Event Archway | 5,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1377 | Butterfly Event Bench | 6,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1375 | Butterfly Festival Trophy | 12,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
1903 | Butterfly Lamp | 200,000,000 | DECOR | |
1657 | Candy Cane Fence | 400,000,000 | DECOR | |
1119 | Candy Cane Lamp | 65,000,000 | DECOR | |
1658 | Candy Cane Light Fence | 400,000,000 | DECOR | |
1665 | Candy Cane Scepter Weapon | 5,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1087 | Candy Cane Seed | 150,000,000 | CROPS | |
266 | Carrot Cake | 60,000 | FOOD | |
1864 | Cat Pet Spawn Egg | 7,000,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1010 | Cauldron 2021 | 3,000,000,000 | MISC | |
1451 | Cauldron 2022 | 950,000,000 | MISC | |
1877 | Cauldron 2023 | 11,000,000,000 | MISC | |
1713 | Cherry Blossom Sapling | 375,000,000 | LUMBER | |
1882 | Cherry Blossom Wood | 50,000 | LUMBER | |
349 | Chicken Spawn Egg Tier 2 | 18,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
350 | Chicken Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 350,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
872 | Chili Pepper Seeds | 290,000,000 | CROPS | |
269 | Chocolate Bar | 14,000,000 | FOOD | |
1666 | Christmas Event 2022 Trophy | 20,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1668 | Christmas Fence Light | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
488 | Christmas Present 2020 | 300,000,000 | MISC | |
1093 | Christmas Present 2021 | 300,000,000 | MISC | |
1642 | Christmas Present 2022 | 300,000,000 | MISC | |
187 | Christmas Shovel | 10,000,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
1096 | Christmas Tree | 65,000,000 | DECOR | |
874 | Cletus Lucky Plow | 2,500,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
870 | Cletus Lucky Sickle | 2,500,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
871 | Cletus Lucky Watering Can | 2,500,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
1101 | Cletus Ornament | 175,000,000 | DECOR | |
1765 | Cletus Plushie | 140,000,000 | DECOR | |
876 | Cletus Scarecrow | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1761 | Confetti Popper | 75,000,000 | MISC | |
298 | Conveyor Belt | 670,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
993 | Conveyor Ramp Down | 850,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1262 | Conveyor Ramp Up | 850,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1656 | Cookie Stocking | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1244 | Copper Block | 75,000 | BLOCKS | |
32 | Copper Bolt | 105,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
33 | Copper Ingot | 35,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
35 | Copper Plate | 690,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
308 | Copper Press | 12,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
36 | Copper Rod | 560,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1103 | Cow Ornament | 1,400,000,000 | DECOR | |
354 | Cow Spawn Egg Tier 2 | 18,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
355 | Cow Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 350,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
37 | Crystallized Aquamarine | 3,200,000 | MINERALS | |
38 | Crystallized Gold | 16,000,000 | MINERALS | |
39 | Crystallized Iron | 3,000,000 | MINERALS | |
829 | Crystallized Obsidian | 1,600,000 | MINERALS | |
1862 | Cursed Grimoire | 45,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1863 | Cursed Hammer | 120,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
8 | Cutlass This is a skin of Aquamarine Sword | 10,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1918 | Cyan Flower Chair | 230,000,000 | DECOR | |
1829 | Cyan Glowing Mushroom | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1834 | Cyan Mushroom Table | 35,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1848 | Cyan Outhouse | 30,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1852 | Dark Brown Nature Fridge | 70,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
864 | Desert Chest | 1,000,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
865 | Desert Furnace | 1,000,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1254 | Desert Island Treasure Chest | 35,000,000 | MISC | |
158 | Desert Portal | 400,000,000 | MISC | |
524 | Desert Portal Shard | 250,000,000 | MISC | |
40 | Diamond | 5,800,000 | MINERALS | |
1923 | Diamond ATM | 109,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
401 | Diamond Block | 50,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
9 | Diamond Great Sword | 990,000,000 | COMBAT | |
162 | Diamond Mines Portal | 850,000,000 | MISC | |
525 | Diamond Mines Portal Shard | 260,000,000 | MISC | |
10 | Diamond War Hammer | 990,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1769 | Draven Statue | 6,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
299 | Drill | 12,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1155 | Duck Spawn Egg Tier 2 | 18,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1156 | Duck Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 350,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1804 | Dungeon Chest | 65,000,000 | MISC | |
912 | DV Trophy | 5,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1773 | Dynamite Wall Decor | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1661 | Elf Plushie | 12,000,000 | DECOR | |
1653 | Elf Stocking | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
41 | Enchanted Diamond | 140,000,000 | MINERALS | |
1510 | Expanded Diamond Chest | 650,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
914 | Filter Conveyor | 13,300,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
84 | Fish Banner | 700,000,000 | DECOR | |
85 | Fish Festival Trophy 2021 | 11,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
302 | Food Processor | 28,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
11 | Formula 86 | 650,000,000 | MISC | |
1140 | Fortune Cookie | 37,000,000 | FOOD | |
1907 | Frog Topiary Pot | 250,000,000 | DECOR | |
1095 | Frost Hammer | 7,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1094 | Frost Sword | 7,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
42 | Gearbox | 21,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1316 | Glass of Milk | 340,000 | FOOD | |
1767 | Glitterball | 75,000,000 | MISC | |
1764 | Glow Stick | 130,000,000 | MISC | |
1837 | Glowing Blue Mushroom Block | 20,000,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1838 | Glowing Cyan Mushroom Block | 20,000,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1839 | Glowing Green Mushroom Block | 20,000,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1840 | Glowing Pink Mushroom Block | 20,000,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1660 | Gnome Plushie | 17,000,000 | DECOR | |
94 | Godzilla Trophy | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1922 | Gold ATM | 75,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
405 | Gold Block | 4,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1730 | Gold Envelope 2023 | 1,980,000,000 | MISC | |
44 | Gold Ingot | 580,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1776 | Gold Mining Lantern | 700,000,000 | DECOR | |
527 | Gold Skorp Claw | 250,000 | MISC | |
1800 | Gold Small Brazier | 200,000,000 | DECOR | |
1801 | Gold Tall Brazier | 200,000,000 | DECOR | |
1676 | Green and White Christmas Lantern | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1373 | Green Butterfly Jar | 130,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1670 | Green Christmas Street Light | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1482 | Green Eyed Scarecrow | 16,000,000 | DECOR | |
542 | Green Firefly Jar | 15,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1830 | Green Glowing Mushroom | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1107 | Green Nutcracker | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1099 | Green Ornament | 17,000,000 | DECOR | |
860 | Green Slime Block | 1,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
529 | Green Sticky Gear | 1,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1911 | Grey Gazebo | 600,000,000 | DECOR | |
1883 | Hickory Wood | 35,000 | LUMBER | |
1266 | Horse Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 700,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1092 | Ice Brick | 20,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1007 | Industrial Merchant Teleseller | 35,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
303 | Industrial Oven | 8,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
304 | Industrial Sawmill | 15,800,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
305 | Industrial Smelter | 40,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
306 | Industrial Stonecutter | 55,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
307 | Industrial Washing Station | 240,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
969 | Infernal Dragon Egg | 95,000,000 | MISC | |
1251 | Infernal Hammer | 995,000,000 | COMBAT | |
309 | Input/Output Chest | 5,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
205 | Iron Fishing Rod | 2,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
46 | Iron Ingot | 3,500 | INDUSTRIAL | |
15 | Iron War Axe | 12,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1782 | Jade Plushie | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1681 | Jolly Dagger | 25,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
101 | Kong Trophy | 700,000,000 | DECOR | |
549 | Kong's Axe | 995,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1003 | Large Chest | 75,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1323 | Large Crate of Pineapple | 115,000 | CROPS | |
311 | Left Conveyor Belt | 670,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
489 | Legacy Food Processor | 2,500,000,000 | MISC | |
511 | Lemon Tree Sapling | 5,600,000 | CROPS | |
1083 | Light Blue Coral Block | 350,000 | BLOCKS | |
1853 | Light Brown Nature Fridge | 70,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
21 | Lightning Scepter | 990,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1125 | Lucky Coin Bag | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1723 | Lunar 2023 Rabbit Statue | 23,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
737 | Lunar Banner (Limited) | 13,000,000 | DECOR | |
1132 | Lunar Drum | 15,000,000 | DECOR | |
1133 | Lunar Gate | 65,000,000 | DECOR | |
1134 | Lunar Lamp | 30,000,000 | DECOR | |
1137 | Lunar Lantern Small | 30,000,000 | DECOR | |
1722 | Lunar Mooncake | 40,000,000 | FOOD | |
1725 | Lunar Rabbit Banner | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1724 | Lunar Rabbit Plushie | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1456 | Lying Closed Coffin | 3,000,000 | DECOR | |
1457 | Lying Opened Coffin | 3,000,000 | DECOR | |
967 | Magma Block | 5,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1871 | Mansion Bed | 5,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1866 | Mansion Bench | 4,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
1869 | Mansion Bust Blue | 55,000,000 | DECOR | |
1870 | Mansion Bust Green | 55,000,000 | DECOR | |
1868 | Mansion Bust Pink | 55,000,000 | DECOR | |
1865 | Mansion Cabinet | 3,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1873 | Mansion Couch | 3,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
1867 | Mansion Desk | 4,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
1874 | Mansion Grandfather Clock | 3,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
1872 | Mansion Rocking Horse | 5,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1256 | Maple Isles Treasure Chest | 35,000,000 | MISC | |
1055 | Maple Shield | 990,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1884 | Maple Wood | 40,000 | LUMBER | |
1905 | Medium Bush Pot | 250,000,000 | DECOR | |
312 | Medium Chest | 2,400,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
895 | Merger | 6,200,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1777 | Mining Couch Green | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1778 | Mining Couch Purple | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1779 | Mining Entrance | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1770 | Mining Event Trophy 2023 | 2,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1780 | Mining Gem Bag | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1781 | Mining Tool Bag | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
430 | Mushroom Block | 30,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1858 | Natures Divine Longbow | 200,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1738 | Noxious Stinger | 995,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1880 | Oak Wood | 27,000 | LUMBER | |
963 | Opal Axe | 600,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
962 | Opal Pickaxe | 600,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
964 | Opal Pickaxe Hilt | 280,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
1098 | Orange Ornament | 17,000,000 | DECOR | |
517 | Palm Tree Sapling | 1,300,000,000 | LUMBER | |
1763 | Party Horn | 75,000,000 | MISC | |
1667 | Penguin Pet Spawn Egg | 935,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1033 | Philadelphia Roll | 1,400,000 | FOOD | |
1104 | Pig Ornament | 1,500,000,000 | DECOR | |
364 | Pig Spawn Egg Tier 2 | 18,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
365 | Pig Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 350,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1885 | Pine Wood | 30,000 | LUMBER | |
1110 | Pineapple Seeds | 38,000,000 | CROPS | |
1084 | Pink Coral Block | 350,000 | BLOCKS | |
1831 | Pink Glowing Mushroom | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1836 | Pink Mushroom Table | 35,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1849 | Pink Outhouse | 30,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
787 | Pink Rabbit | 70,000,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
862 | Pink Slime Block | 3,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
533 | Pink Sticky Gear | 36,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
833 | Pirate Barrel | 1,300,000 | DECOR | |
832 | Pirate Cannon | 995,000,000 | DECOR | |
834 | Pirate Chair | 40,000,000 | DECOR | |
835 | Pirate Chandelier | 2,000,000 | DECOR | |
863 | Pirate Globe | 23,000,000 | DECOR | |
836 | Pirate Lamp | 4,000,000 | DECOR | |
838 | Pirate Ship | 100,000,000 | DECOR | |
837 | Pirate Ship Wheel | 3,000,000 | DECOR | |
1887 | Plate Factory Mold | 120,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
757 | Polishing Station | 35,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1802 | Primordial Plushie Beanbag | 22,900,000,000 | DECOR | |
535 | Propeller | 175,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1021 | Pumpkin Hammer | 20,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
249 | Pumpkin Seeds | 1,000,000 | CROPS | |
543 | Purple Firefly Jar | 700,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1912 | Purple Gazebo | 600,000,000 | DECOR | |
1854 | Purple Nature Fridge | 70,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1908 | Rabbit Topiary Pot | 250,000,000 | DECOR | |
251 | Radish Seeds | 1,000,000 | CROPS | |
16 | Rageblade | 245,000,000 | COMBAT | |
320 | Randomizer | 6,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1100 | Red Ornament | 17,000,000 | DECOR | |
1677 | Red and Green Christmas Lantern | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1675 | Red and White Christmas Lantern | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1245 | Red Bronze Block | 35,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
48 | Red Bronze Ingot | 2,100,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
324 | Red Bronze Refinery | 290,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1669 | Red Christmas Street Light | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1651 | Red Cup Gnome | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1771 | Red Dynamite Box | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1123 | Red Envelope 2022 | 700,000,000 | MISC | |
544 | Red Firefly Jar | 30,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1916 | Red Flower Chair | 230,000,000 | DECOR | |
1913 | Red Gazebo | 600,000,000 | DECOR | |
1645 | Red Gnome Bag | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1835 | Red Mushroom Table | 35,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1105 | Red Nutcracker | 35,000,000 | DECOR | |
1850 | Red Outhouse | 30,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1648 | Red Standing Gnome | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1663 | Reindeer Plushie | 12,000,000 | DECOR | |
326 | Right Conveyor Belt | 670,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
139 | Roblox Battles Trophy | 600,000,000 | DECOR | |
327 | Rod Factory Mold | 60,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
720 | Ruby | 27,000,000 | MINERALS | |
722 | Ruby Block | 98,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
1261 | Ruby Skorp Claw | 3,100,000 | MISC | |
536 | Ruby Skorp Scale | 21,000,000 | MISC | |
537 | Ruby Skorp Stinger | 5,400,000 | MISC | |
721 | Ruby Staff | 235,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1283 | Ruby Sword | 800,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1659 | Santa Plushie | 25,000,000 | DECOR | |
1652 | Santa Stocking | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
875 | Scarecrow Trophy | 750,000,000 | DECOR | |
1349 | Serpent Egg | 75,000,000 | MISC | |
1332 | Serpents Bane | 1,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1334 | Serpents Fang | 230,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1331 | Serpents Hook | 995,000,000 | COMBAT | |
369 | Sheep Spawn Egg Tier 2 | 18,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
370 | Sheep Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 350,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1255 | Slime Island Treasure Chest | 35,000,000 | MISC | |
1102 | Slime Ornament | 175,000,000 | DECOR | |
160 | Slime Portal | 3,000,000 | MISC | |
538 | Slime Portal Shard | 2,000,000 | MISC | |
1320 | Slime Queens Scepter | 990,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1904 | Small Bush Pot | 250,000,000 | DECOR | |
1655 | Snowflake Stocking | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1654 | Snowman Stocking | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
173 | Spawn Block | 10,000 | BLOCKS | |
19 | Spellbook | 18,800,000 | COMBAT | |
1930 | Spirit Crystal | 50,000 | MINERALS | |
1901 | Spirit Essence Holder | 250,000,000 | DECOR | |
1259 | Spirit Island Treasure Chest | 35,000,000 | MISC | |
802 | Spirit Sapling | 14,300,000 | LUMBER | |
1891 | Spirit Seeds | 14,000,000 | CROPS | |
1272 | Spirit Spellbook | 230,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1886 | Spirit Wood | 55,000 | LUMBER | |
174 | Splitter Conveyor | 7,500,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1129 | Stacked Lunar Lantern | 30,000,000 | DECOR | |
1135 | Stacked Star Lunar Lantern | 30,000,000 | DECOR | |
13 | Staff of Godzilla | 995,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1136 | Star Lunar Lantern | 30,000,000 | DECOR | |
253 | Starfruit Seeds | 18,500,000 | CROPS | |
49 | Steel Bolt | 110,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
50 | Steel Ingot | 24,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
332 | Steel Mill | 20,500,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
51 | Steel Plate | 500,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
333 | Steel Press | 260,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
52 | Steel Rod | 450,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
177 | Switch | 2,500,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1906 | Tall Bush Pot | 250,000,000 | DECOR | |
147 | Tall Snowman | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1855 | Tan Nature Fridge | 70,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
828 | The Captain's Rapier | 16,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1860 | The Divine Dao | 200,000,000,000 | COMBAT | |
961 | The Dragonslayer | 430,000,000 | COMBAT | |
1018 | The Halloween Trophy | 600,000,000 | DECOR | |
148 | The Witches Trophy | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1319 | Thomas Lucky Fishing Rod | 15,000,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
149 | Tidal Aquarium | 4,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
22 | Tidal Spellbook | 24,500,000 | COMBAT | |
1519 | Tier 2 Conveyor Belt | 8,900,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1343 | Tier 2 Conveyor Ramp Down | 8,900,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
885 | Tier 2 Conveyor Ramp Up | 8,900,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
889 | Tier 2 Crate Packer | 72,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1004 | Tier 2 Input/Output Chest | 80,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
884 | Tier 2 Left Conveyor Belt | 8,900,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
883 | Tier 2 Right Conveyor Belt | 8,900,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
913 | Tier 2 Vending Machine | 750,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1005 | Timed Input-Output Chest | 209,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
179 | Totem Disabler | 50,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
843 | Treasure Chest | 205,000,000 | MISC | |
1927 | Turkey Trophy | 600,000,000 | DECOR | |
336 | Vending Machine | 14,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1345 | Void Mattock Hilt | 700,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
1347 | Void Parasite Seeds | 11,800,000 | CROPS | |
1890 | Void Sand Block | 1,100,000 | BLOCKS | |
1341 | Void Stone Block | 2,000,000 | BLOCKS | |
257 | Watermelon Seeds | 21,000,000 | CROPS | |
1370 | White Butterfly Jar | 50,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1917 | White Flower Chair | 230,000,000 | DECOR | |
1856 | White Nature Fridge | 70,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1664 | White Reindeer Plushie | 320,000,000 | DECOR | |
155 | Wide Snowman | 1,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1257 | Wizard Island Treasure Chest | 35,000,000 | MISC | |
159 | Wizard Portal | 700,000,000 | MISC | |
539 | Wizard Portal Shard | 200,000,000 | MISC | |
1772 | Wooden Dynamite Box | 650,000,000 | DECOR | |
1924 | Workbench (tree stump) | 5,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
896 | Workbench Tier 4 | 580,000,000 | TOOLS & BENCHES | |
1875 | Wraith Boss Plushie | 40,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
157 | Wreath | 849,900,000 | DECOR | |
180 | Xor Gate | 5,000,000 | INDUSTRIAL | |
1237 | Yak Spawn Egg Tier 2 | 25,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1238 | Yak Spawn Egg Tier 3 | 600,000,000 | ANIMALS | |
1369 | Yellow Butterfly Jar | 700,000 | ANIMALS | |
1650 | Yellow Cup Gnome | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1483 | Yellow Eyed Scarecrow | 16,000,000 | DECOR | |
1644 | Yellow Gnome Bag | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |
1833 | Yellow Mushroom Table | 35,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1851 | Yellow Outhouse | 30,000,000,000 | DECOR | |
1647 | Yellow Standing Gnome | 350,000,000 | DECOR | |